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OsteoAsia Sport


OsteoAsia biohacking helps for quick pain relief,  stiffness and any sports injuries. 

It's allowing A VERY FAST RECOVERY to go back to competition.

The treatments can be PREVENTIVE.

Pros used to visit us at least every 2 weeks.

And You ???... 

or CURATIVE after a trauma.

Many Pro athletes trust OsteoAsia.

1st & 2nd league football or rugby, golf, tennis, kitesurfers, boxers, cyclists, horse riders, iron men, ultra trail runner, ballerinas, pilots, sailors, skier/snowboarders, navigators, adventurers, french elite army (legionnaires, GIGN (French SWAT), commando, para, air force fighter pilots...)...

OsteoAsia Team have supported many Sport's event.

Optimise Your Body

Venus Williams and Maria Sharapova
WG Top ( White Gradient)

Samuel was a competitor (judo, squash, rowing, rugby, trails, marathon) 

and still practices a lot of sports but now just for fun

(kitesurf, golf, snowboard, squash, tennis, apnea, muay thai, wake board, sailing, horse riding...).

Therefore he will understand your sport trauma (he had many !) and find

the fastest way for You to go back to competition

OsteoAsia Sport, OsteoAsia Biohacking, OsteoAsia, Samuel Terrien, Osteopath France, Osteopath Thailand, International Osteopath, back pain, neck pain, injuries, issues pain, aches, migrane, rehabilitation, recovery, cure, osteopath consultation, osteopathy consultation, osteopathy

Each sport consultation starts by a 

complete screening

of your body including 

mobility, strength and balance.

The OsteoAsia biohacking is the best way to check and fix your weak points

to perform and prevent injuries.


A serious preparation is your key to perform

+66 810 10 18 44
🇫🇷  France call
+33 648 64 60 79
OsteoAsia Emergency & Prevention, OsteoAsia, Samuel Terrien, osteopath France, osteopath Thailand, neck pain, back pain, tennis elbow, golf elbow, low back pain, sciatica, hip pain, joints pain, knee pain, foot injuries, ankle injuries, migraine, headache, stress dizziness, stiff shoulder, stiff shoulders, muscle spazm, numbness in the arm, numbness in the thigh, poor posture, whiplash, back pain, neck pain, injuries, issues pain, aches, migrane, rehabilitation, recovery, cure, osteopath consultation, osteopathy consultation, osteopathy
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